Monday, December 15, 2008

Back on the Pomegranate Wagon

Finally did some machine sewing today after I found a whole pile of pomegranates which I had previously printed and cut out.It really is a bit of a nightmare having things everywhere, but I almost feel as if setting it all up properly would be not working- but in the long run a bit of organisation wouldn't hurt. These pomegranates measure approximately 8 inches square and are for sale for $35 US inclusive of postage.

Someone asked what a Wonga was- well it's just a day at my house and given its called Wonga Flats I thought I would call the day a Wonga day- play days really.
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La Bastidane (Nathalie Locquen) said...

Il est magnifique. Vraiment.

Anonymous said...

I love the concept behind the Wonga and if I didnt live in SA I would love to come. I have had ad done similar things myself and they are good. Keep up the good work I love reading your blog Jenny

Leisurely Lesley said...

I could learn a lot from you.

Trudi said...

It's wonderful.

Anonymous said...

I just don't see how you make any kind of money at $35 for a beautiful piece of work- unless you are a machine able to crank them out a dozen/hour! Amazing.

Jacky said...

I too love pomegranates...beautiful !!!