I was quite surprised to be able to photograph a rainbow in our valley today- could sure do with a pot of gold at the end of it if there were such things, as long as cheeky leprechauns don't turn up! It has been miserably cold yesterday and today , amongst the coldest days on record, and yesterday it snowed a bit further towards the coast- quite a lot of snow which is quite unusual for here. It threatened to snow where we live too but it did not happen and the power went off for four hours and as we have electric heating it was freezing, couldn't sew, not even hand sew as my hands were too cold. Today has been pretty cold too but still did not get much work done. Had to tidy one of my work tables so I can start the preparations for the catalogue for Across Australia.
My classes for European Carrefour Patchwork in Val d'Argent are finally up on their website as well. They are as follows;
Friday 15 September- Tifaifai- polynesian technique for whole cloth applique based on my book Tifaifai Renaissance
Saturday 16 September- Free Machine Applique- this class is nearly full
Sunday 17 September- Transfer Printing and Stitching- this class is full so I think they are going to put any further interested people into my Monday 19 September Class called Inspiration as it is possible to teach both things at the one time .
So if you are interested contact the organisers via their website. Any suggestions regarding accommodation would be appreciated as my friend Sandy is coming over from England as well and I shall also have a child with me.
I am also creeping towards my twenty thousanth visitor- thank you so much everyone for viewing my blog- so i thought when the twenty thousanth visitor visits ( and I don't know who you are only your server and country of origin- which I will put on my blog the next day so that you might know who you are ) I shall make you a small quilt as a thank you.

1 comment:
Dijanne, I wish I where that twenty thousand one! I'm trying my best to be at the european carrefour too - to be able to take one of your course! I hope there will be still a place for me when I will be sure to be able to come (and subscribe)! But I'll be six-month pregnant (thrid child) and MUST be sure to be well homed.
I love your art.
Best thoughts from Lausanne, Switzerland.
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