I feel like I have fallen off the radar the last couple of days as I left my laptop with the photographers whilst we were photographing Across Australia. Soaccessing the internet has been a bit of a problem. Anyway I did manage to finish my banksia quilt by Thursday- I ended up cutting away quite a lot og the green polyester film to reveal the hand painted background.
Some exciting work amongst the quilts for Across Australia and the exhibition will be quite different than the other two 'big'- as in more than 6 artists- exhibitions I have curated. It opens life at Quilt Indulgence from 8 September util 11 September. I fly to Europe on 13 September to teach at Val d'Argent. I am also teaching at Quilt Indulgence on the Thursday 8 Sept and Friday 9 Sept.
Thank you to so many of you who took the time to respond to me and say so many lovely things about my work after my rejection whinge of the previous post,. I Must admit the attraction of a steady income always looms on the horizon and larger still when a rejection comes in. As Linda said a lot of my work is seen in invitationals- but somehow that is not the same as being juried into an exhibition- even though I am very grateful for such invitations and it is a wonderful opportunity for showing your work. I suppose what does roll around the back of my mind is the fact that somehow juries don't like the work but often quilt show organisers do( hence the invitationals) Which makes me wonder is there a difference in what juries look for and what quilt show organisers look for, and then how do these two things marry together?
Anyway I seem to have walked off my rejection funk and am working on another forest quilt which I hope to finish this morning . We spent the weekend cooking, my eldest daughter and I , and we made a Chinese dinner last night for friends who came over for dinner- chicken and creamed corn soup, lemon chicken and fried rice, and vegetable stir-fry with tofu and our own asparagus , silver beet and carrots. And the number of visits to the blog are getting quite close to 20,ooo- there is only about 200 to go.
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