I discovered today I don't need to use Hello/Picassa to upload pictures intoBlogger- however I must admit I enjoy the easy tuning and cropping function of Picassa.I finished this Forest quilt today- it's called Forest VI -Otway -Late Afternoon. I think of all the Forest quilts I have done this is the most like the view from my workroom window on a late summer afternoon- all golden glow in the distance, dark standards in the foreground. I am trying to capture that feeling when you are all mellow , lying on the forest floor or a grassy bank (or sitting in my workroom dreaming), enjoying the sinking sun, and shadows play on your eyelids, and your imagination floats nowhere in particular but somehow you are content and happy.
Oh my, not only is the fabric/colours wonderful, but I love the quilting the most...specifically the way the tighter quilting comes down over the sparse quilting of the trees.
You have been very successful in capturing the peacful feeling of lying on the forrest floor. I think this is possibly my favourite of all your work that I have seen.
After your reject posting it went quiet, I realised after reading Sandy's post that I'd pick up on the superficial. Money is good but critical acclaim is good for the soul. Have you ever read Bruce M au's Incomplete Manifesto? http://www.brucemaudesign.com/manifesto.html Some dross but some things worth a moment's thought.
I think Forest VI meets what you set out to achieve, dreamy but alive.
This is a stand-out piece Dijanne. It has depth. I really like it.
WOW. Of all your work, I think this is my favourite yet. It's really captured the feeling you described. WOW!
Drool. Wow. Yum. Okay, useful comments, the spirals give me a feeling of the sun glinting and light shifting through the trees. It's moving a bit and I'm just happily enjoying the scenery.
Dijanne, your latest forest quilt is just amazing! The sense of light...wow! Yum.
I agree with Karoda about the quilting. It's captivating. Also, I love the orange swirls. They are like energy falling from the tree tops. A wonderful element to add to a "landscape".
what a gorgeous piece........
great work....
double wow, for this quilt it is beautiful and for having such a beautiful view from your window,
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