Work is slowly progressing on my shed/studio. the front verandah still has to go on and the windows in and the door etc. It does not look big but it is 9 metres by 6 metres which is about 5 times the size of thes pace I work in now. It will be lined with insulation and plaster and one wall will be hanging space and the other benches and shelves. The slab has to go in as well- that got a bit of a setback today as the washing machine went into a spinning frenzy- literally and refused to do anything else. It is probably the control switch but I need the washing machine this week as I have to dye lots of fabric as I am teaching at the Geelong Afficiando Retreat this weekend and some of the students want fabric. So the slab fund will have to bow to a new washing machine grrr....
Today was the first day since being back that I did a dedicated 10,000 step walk, the weather has been pretty rotten for walking, and everytime I stepped outside it rained. However I did manage to walk 10,000 steps most days though not in one walk.
Started quilting the top I posted a picture of yesterday. I love how different things look once the stitching goes in- it completely changes the appearance. I had to use a cotton batting which I don't like to use because when you stitch a lot it flattens the texture too much and that is precisely the reason I quilt - to create textural nuances. I always try and use Matilda's Own an Australian mostly wool/polyester batting, which does not strecth too much with stitching and which still maintains some loft after stitching.

1 comment:
Hey...the studio/shed's coming along really nicely! I know you will be excited when it's finally ready!
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