Hand Painted fabric
I tried painting this fabric with the textile inks that I normally use which are manaufactured in Australia. I was tickled that it worked, but the Trapsuutjies paint gives a superior result- the transparency of the paint and the fluidity of the paint seem to be factors in this. I also used a limited colour palette of blue, turquoise and purple and the paint wasn't quite dry when I photographed it (had a bit of a slack day after the quilting effort of the previous two days, but in the ehdn still did something), so I don't know what the hand of the fabric will be like. With the Trapsuutjies paint you heat set by placing the fabric in the oven for 15 minutes, but twith the textile ink I use normally you heat set with an iron- so I will have to test this out. The technique I am using is called African Painting and is taught by Irene van der Wolf in the Netherlands . She also uses latex in some of her work with interesting effects

This is an absolutely gorgeous piece of fabric. I love the color palette.
Wow! I'd love to see how you work this up into a quilt!
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