Preparing for ATC's
I made this background piece out of which I need to cut some ATC's for my friend Clare Smith in Wellingon, New Zealand- she is writing an article about them for New Zealand Quilter- an excellent magazine produced and edited by Ann Scott
It is almost too nice to cut up, but as I am going away to teach for the weekend I have to put it in the post tomorrow. I also bought a fridge magnet maker a week or so ago with the intent of making fridge magnets of my quilts and various other things. I am going to try it out tonight!

I love the colors and patterns of this.
I agree it's a shame to cut into this piece it looks sumptuous,
I like the transfer work in the earlier blog, I like the way the colour changes on the different colour back grounds, these are beautiful little works,
What is an ATC?
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