I know I said I had given up on the Rhythm and Blues thing on Saturday, but I woke up Sunday morning and there suddenly it opened up before me. I had exactly the right fabrics- the contrast of the blues to the more dancing and happier R&B coloured fabric and jumping patterns and viola- set to work- it was going to be long and narrow quilt but then it grew and it needed the adire cloth ( which I purchased in Kano, Nigeria 15 years ago and have always been loathe to cut into ) borders- it sort of bounded the whole thing with the feel of African music/rhythms and roots. It turned into a marathon stitching effort because it ended up 105 cm by 155 cm ( a bit larger to what I normally do- but this quilt just grew of its own account- it was very strong in demanding what it needed) and I sewed the binding down lunch time today. I still want to do some hand stitching on it- but I was only going to quilt it to have it togehther- but the stitching ended up much heavier than that.
Hoorah methinks until I ring the photo processing shop and hour and a half away from here to check whether I can get the slides processed today- they don't do it any more- everything is digital they say- whahhhh- it's too far to drive to Melbourne. So I took photos, thinking I will put the slides in and send them after- not - the good SLR is out of battery power and I need to go to town ( 22kms away) to get a new battery. Sooooo.... I sent the photos with courier ( I know I have to sort out this last minute habit... but I only got back from OS less than two weeks ago) wrote a note saying the slides would be along as soon as I have them and hope that they accept the entry as is, and can wait for the slides.

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