The weather has been quite hot and sunny the last week and the garden is popping- so are the weeds. We now have a hothouse so I finally hope to have tomatoes by Christmas, and to have aubergines and lots of chillies. I also hope to grow lettuce in there continuously and generally extend the season. We ate our first crop of broad beans the other night. The artichokes are quite different this year compared to last year- for a start the buds are not as big and they are really tall about 2 metres high.
The pale pink old fashioned rose only flowers once a year but the fragrance it puts out is delightful.We have calendulas throughout the vegetable garden to attract bees .
Have been in a blah mood for working- so decided to make a little hanging with turtles- it is quite long and narrow- sometimes doing the sewing, and just doing something gets you going again. I did not feel like handsewing today- sometimes the motion of the sewing is too introspective .

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