Dandelion Moments- A Book of Today
I have days where I just seem to be treading water and not doing anything much of anything.It's a fight for the computer with teenagers ,on the weekend, and unfortunately we are still on dial-up.
So today was one of those days. So in the spirit of Keri Smith's Wish Jar Journal I made myself do something- where I didn't have to be in my room where said teenagers are commandeering the computer. So I sat outside and made this little book of nothing really- just things I did today. it's an A3 sheet folded in half horizontally- with a split cut along that fold that spreads over the two middle pages and then folded into four on the vertical.It makes a dinky little book- and is loads of fun for kids. I used to draw the cartoon halo( surround) shapes for them to draw in.
I did plug away at my Nanorwrimo novel but then hit a wall of no words.

I remember making little books like this when my kids were small. Thanks for the memory. I might even follow your example and make one to write in for those odd moments in dream land!
I love that you took such an everyday thing as a dandilion and what you did today to transform it into such a fascinating little book. Cheers Claire
wow lovely design Dijanne
I suggest trying to do a small quilt with that dandelion ... looks great.
still plugging away at stuff for the craft show on the 30th... havent found the card yet for bernina either boo hoo
Dijanne! That is so creative and cool! Thank you for showing pics of all the pages.
I love your drawing style.
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