The first panel of the tree has been transfer dyed onto lutradur and then stitched. The second panel has also been transfer dyed and I printed the papers with one of the adinkra stamps I have. This one is called fofoo and its meaning according to a booklet I got from the Afrikacentrum
is "what the fofoo plant wants is that the gyinantwi seeds should turn black" or the symbol of jealousy. I think the shape is quite universal which is the reason I used it, but to me it seems much more like a symbol for woman- many handed, doing many task at the same time- or something like that. How do you see this stamp as a symbol? What does it suggest to you?
Anyway both panels are for sale- they are $75 US including postage ( the size is A3). I can be paid via Paypal and my email address is linked in my profile. Also anyone out there who normally uses my gsat email address please use my hotmail address- I am having major issues with my internet provider- they don't believe I am not getting my messages despite my receiving snail mail from people telling me they have been trying to contact me.It's time for change- but apparently we are getting Adsl soon- I sure hope so!
I fear you won't like this: the symbol originally reminded me of Libby Lehman's flowers - something straight out of the 1960's. Secondary impression is of how a frog looks with little feet suctioned to the patio glass door...only your "frog" is many footed!
I'm thinking motion, doing cart wheels on a sunny day, and other things that go round and round.
Hi Dijanne, I have emailed you twice to the eftel address and wonder if you received anything? I'll email you hotmail address instead.
Hallo Dijanne,
ik vroeg me af hoe je met Transfer Paint kan stempelen. Gebruik je dan een verdikker?
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