And Another!

It is going to be a busy week teaching. Today I go to Patchwork Studio in Belgium to teach for three days then Friday I am off to Germany and Dinslaken to teach at Quilt Zauberei- then back here for a day and then more teaching- so I am taking a deep breath- and will dive into the shower to freshen up enthusiasm!
I have posted more photos of painting I did- I can't post many more photos as the Sony powershot software is not happy with ME Windows at all and my aunts computer is struggling with it- so I will have to uninstall it and see what happens.I love the depth I can create with these paints- and the sort of transparent underlay which is really an overlay!
It's another day dawn grey- I need sun it makes the leaves on the trees look so much happier!
Diane, what paints are you using...these are magnificient! Such wonderful surface design work is going on in the AQ ring. So inspiring!
I apologize for calling you Diane. I realized what I did after going back to read your blog.
Hi Dijanne,
I just came across your blog and wanted to say hi! It was a pleasure having you here in Germany to teach!
It is a workshop all of us talk about frequently. We wish we had the space at our new store tp have workshops again and invite you for another grand workshop!
Everyone who gets to learn from you is truly blessed.
Best Wishes,
of http://www.Quiltzauberei.de
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