The Fire Next Time

This is a photo of a Hellfire VI - The Fire Next Time.I made it some time ago and have given it to my aunt Diana Cevaal and her husband Ed Wittebrood to thank them for their very kind unofficial sponsorship of my curating and teaching endeavours in Europe- without them I couldn't half the things I do. Actually I am very lucky- I have friends and family who provide me with a bed and a lovely meal on so many occasions- they are the unofficial sponsors of so many endeavours worldwide and not only for me but for many artists. They are unsung- and yet make so much possible!.
This quilt was made for the Freeedom of Expression Exhibition which toured for quite some time about 4-5 years ago. It was supposed to have hung in the United Nations foyer- but some of the quilts were considered to be to confrontational and it was decided not to hang the exhibition there- there was some marvellous work in the exhibition- though I only saw photos of a few pieces, many spoke to the injustices and demeaning practices of this world.
My quilt was based on a quote from the James Baldwin book- The Fire Next Time. The quote is at the end of the book and I thought it spoke eloquently of what was facing the world around the turn of the millenium. It is actually done in the tifaifai technique and I dyed and tie dyed all the fabrics. It is heavily stitched- and I like this piece very much-usually I am quite dissatisfied with things when I am finished and I think I could have done this or that- but this one speaks for me- or that's what i feel anyway.
1 comment:
What is the tifaifai technique? I am intrigued.
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