Close-up of tulle and fabric
Here it is Sandy, a close-up of the tulle and fabric piece. I hand stitched the squares on , I suppose I could have done it by machine , but I like the irregularity of the cut-out fabric squares and the hand stitching. All the fabrics have been dyed and some have been printed and most are left overs from other projects.
I have been doing a huge tidy- up, my work room needed it, but it started because i knew somewhere I had a bag of elastic bands with which to finish tieing the piece of cloth I have been tieing ( I found the elastics eventually).I have two baskets of red based scraps which I can't part with, one lot that i was using for the above piece. I have another couple of huge bags of scraps. I think I am going to have to have a garage sale in the near future and rationalise my space a bit better .

Hi Dijanne.Love your colours, pity I'm not near enough for that garage sale! Looking for something is always the reason I have a tidy up.
Thanks for the close up even nicer when its close up ....
perhaps if you don't sell it I will get to see it :)
Cleaning up the room yes must do this today myself I have a few days off here besides the weekend
lets see how much I can accomplish.
Still walking and dieting and gosh still not drinking!!!!
Thank you for posting the close up. I am so emotionally taken with your work. I swear it speaks to my soul completely bypassing the thinking part of my brain.
It seems that you are on a journey with your fiber art. I shall enjoy being a passenger along it with you.
The colors are so nice in this piece. So vibrant.
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