Aussie Bush Project-- please let me know if you are participating . I have updated
the Aussie bush page with additional information . I need to get an idea of numbers as soon as possible. Even if you have not finished your work yet please let me know. You have until 14 June to finish work and deliver it. I would love to see as many panels as possible- and if you submit your work- it will definitely be exhibited and tour.
It's been a fast and furious last few weeks as I drove to Italy ( much longer than you might think), and very dodgy wifi most of the time. A friend decided to come along in the first week I was here, so we stayed near Ravenna. I did a 2.5 day workshop at Montefiore Conca with
Opficia della Rossa. The workshop was a combination of kamishibai , shadow and print making- and gave me lots of food for thought.
Some of the work I made for the workshop- we made puppets out of paper to create characters for the shadow theatre ( the puppets were inspired by tracing shadows of foliage and other things)- and I tried out some different printing- cutting stencils and such- it is quite different working with oil based inks.
The two teachers were
Umberto Giovannini and
Anusc Castiglioni and I was very inspired by their work and approach. And I feel incredibly lucky to have swapped a piece of my work for Umberto's Ferrocarril 1- and ongoing project he is involved with in recording farflung places and peoples.I don't do many workshops , but have found over the past few years that Italy does offer some very good and innovative courses and they are worth looking out for and are often very reasonably priced. Anusc's shadow work for theatre and films she has made has reiginited my interest in lace- and well printmaking and books are my other passions.Being able to see Umberto's work on an evening visit to his studio for a meal and viewing his new work was simply wonderful. His print works are on a very large scale and full of shadow and layer- really inspiring and atmospheric.
Some images from Umberto's book- he made wood blocks (xylographs) on each day of his travels for 23 days in the outlands in Argentina.Feel very lucky to be able to view this in the flesh.
Then it was onto Lido de Jesolo- not because I am a beach holiday resort person, but because the season has still not started and it was possible to get very reasonably priced accommodation in a small apartment. Another friend ,
Caroline Higgs and I had arranged ages ago to visit Venice. She had seen many parts Italy she had never been to Venice. It was lovely catching the boat bus to Venice in the early mornings with the local children going to school or local people going to work,before the tourist hordes descend. You end up arriving near Piazza san Marco- so you are also travelling against the tourist tide that invades from the railway station. If you ever go to Venice make the effort to get up really early in the morning- it is quite magical and it is easy to get around- none of the shops are open to distract- you simply concentrate on the ambience and you can get very good photographs because it is not as bright and the light is slightly diffused with water vapour.

There is so many things to see in Venice and at present the Biennale is on. We did go to one or two fringe events but decided not to see it simply because so many were video installations or combinations of such in the top 10 rated exhibits. The one we did want to see was
NSK Pavilion but we ran out of time because we did a half day mosaics workshop with
Artefact Mosaic Studio, which we stumbled upon in our wanderings around the city. The course was for 3 hours and was very reasonably priced and included materials. Allessandra di Gennero and Romauld Mesdagh are extremely talented mosaicists, with awards under their belt and "master" qualifications from the Scuola Mosaiciste del Friuli ( the best mosaic school in the world)- their passion for their work was palpable. It turned out that at one time Romauld had lived very close to where Caroline lived in the French Alps- the world is such a small place sometimes- and they had the loveliest "love" story as only Venice can offer! Allessandra ( originally from Rome) wanted to study at the Scuola Mosaiciste del Friuli because she had seen a portrait made in mosaics when visiting the school- it inspired her to such an extent that she applied and was accepted for the school. During her study she got to know Romauld in classes and on discussing what had inspired her to study at the school she took him to see the portrait. The school does display work of students but usually with no name- so she was aghast when he reached for the portrait, because you cannot touch the work, and then showed her the name on the back- yes you guessed it and now they run their inspiring studio together in Venice. You can also commission their work. Take some time to look at their website- the work is stunning- plus the restaurant they recommended for our last meal in Venice was excellent .

And every now and then you run into a piece of art that stops you in your tracks and simply has you gasping for breath and leaves you with tears in your eyes. We walked into the Chiesa della Pieta because it was a free fringe exhibit of the Biennale and on the way to the boat bus station. What we had not expected was to find such incredible emotion. I took pictures and of course will give the artist
Safet Zec's website- but there is no substitution for seeing the work in the flesh. He works on grounds seemingly made out of layered papers and newspapers, but it is the emotion in the plight of refugees that he has created that is breath taking. He and his family were once themselves refugees- he makes all those human connections seem alive and heartbreaking. For those that say painting is dead- this work proves that it is not. Caroline and I both had the same response to the work and we went back a second time. It is powerful and moving and asks us the question of what it is to be human.My photo does not do justice to the work.
Lovely place and art. looks so wonderful.
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يمكنك شحن جميع أنواع الألعاب وباقات المحمول ولعبة ببجي من خلال موقع رصيد
شحن شدات ببجي
يبحث الكثير من مالكي هواتف الأيفون عن طريقة إعادة ضبط المصنع للايفون بدون حذف البيانات حيث يريد الناس إعادة ضبط الهاتف لكي يعود بحالة جديدة بدون تهنيج مع عدم خسارة البيانات.
إعادة ضبط المصنع للايفون بدون حذف البيانات
1- الفرق بين التهاب المهبل البكتيري والفطري
إن الالتهابات المهبلية هي عبارة عن أعراض غير طبيعية تظهر على المرأة،
وتجعلها في حالة غير مريحة، وتشعر بأنها ليست على ما يرام، وهذه هي أهم أسباب هذه الالتهابات المهبلية: –
من الممكن أن تتعرض المرأة للإصابة بالفطريات، ويعد من أهم أنواع الالتهابات المهبلية.
التعرُّض الواضح لأحد أنواع البكتيريا المهبلية المسببة للألم وعدم الراحة من أهم أسباب الالتهابات في المهبل.
الإصابة أيضًا بالمشعرات التي تعتبر عبارة عن كائن حي يمزج بين البكتيريا والفطريات على حد سواء.
برنامج تسجيل مكالمات سري
2- ابرنامج تسجيل مكالمات سري
هو برنامج تسجيل مكالمات سري وأيضا هذا التطبيق هو برنامج تسجيل المكالمات رقم واحد لأنه يحتوي على الميزات التالية:
يقوم التطبيق بتشغيل عملية تصنيف الاتصال ويضع أيضًا كل اتصال في مربع مخصص.
ويعمل التطبيق من خلال خاصية الذكاء الاصطناعي والتي من خلالها تقوم بحفظ المكالمات بشكل تلقائي.
ويعتمد ايضا على عملية حذف التسجيلات التي سمعتها من قبل وايضا يقلل المساحة حيث انه برنامج صغير.
وباستخدام هذا التطبيق يمكنك أيضًا استعادة جميع المكالمات المسجلة المحذوفة في أي وقت.
وذلك بفضل التقنيات المختلفة المتاحة فيه. يمكن ربط التطبيق بالبريد الإلكتروني.
بالإضافة إلى Google Drive الذي يمكنك من خلاله نقل وحفظ البيانات المختلفة الموجودة عليه
وسع وسع عيد ميلاد اخويا
3- وسع وسع عيد ميلاد اخويا
كل فتاة تحب أخوها يجب أن تكتب له بوست عيد ميلاد اخوياا
ليتأكد من حبها له ويبادلها الحب والمشاعر الطيبة، ويذكر موقع الخبير عبارات التهنئة التي يجب أن تقولها الفتاة فيما يلي:
في مثل هذا اليوم ولد أقرب شخص لي في الدنيا وأجمل أخ في الوجود، فأتمنى من الله أن تكون تلك السنة سعيدة عليك وأن يرزقك فيها الله بالخير.
أتمنى في ذلك اليوم الذي يوافق ذكرى ميلاد أخي العزيز بأن تمتلئ حياتك بالسرور والفرح والخير، وأتمنى أن تكون دائمًا بجانبي لتشاركني أفراحي.
يا أجمل سند وأفضل عون لي في الحياة كل عام وأنت بخير وسعادة وصحة، ففي هذا اليوم أدعو الله أن يحقق كل أمنياتك وأحلامك وأن نظل دائمًا معًا.
عزيزي ورفيق دربي وحبيبي كل عام وأنت بخير وبسعادة، فيا أخي الأغلى على قلبي أريد أن أعترف لك بأنك أقرب صديق لي وأحن عليا من والدي.
أتمنى من الله في يوم ميلادك يا أخي العزيز بأن تكون بصحة وبسلام وبخير في عامك الجديد، وأتمنى أن يزداد قربك من الله في هذا العام لنلتقي في جنات النعيم.
مشاريع قروية ناجحة
4- مشاريع قروية ناجحة
يوجد الكثير من مشاريع قروية ناجحة غير معروفة رغم انها غير مكلفة وعائداتها المالية كبيرة،
نظرًا لوجود العديد من الاختلافات في طبيعة الحياة في المناطق الريفية والحضرية،
فمن الطبيعي أن بعض المشاريع لا يمكن أن تنجح إلا في المناطق الريفية، ويمكن لبعض المشاريع أن تنجح فقط في المدينة.
على مر السنين، كنا نناقش المشاريع التي يمكن أن تكون ناجحة في المدينة. لكن في الواقع،
كنا مهملين من حيث مشاريع مربحة في القرى، لأننا ذكرنا فقط عددًا قليلاً من المشاريع التي يمكننا أن ننجح فيها ونؤديها بشكل جيد.
لهذا السبب يستعرض اليوم موقع الخبير مقالة بعنوان “مشاريع قروية ناجحة“، حيث سنقدم لكم بعض المشاريع الصغيرة التي يمكن أن تحقق نجاحًا كبيرًا في الريف.
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