Thursday, August 14, 2014

Musing in Textile:France

We have had our hearts in our mouths as we have tried to promote our Pozible fundraiser far and wide and await with some excitement and trepidation as to whether we will reach our  goal. We daren't hope and we are hoping all at the same time. As an enticer we offered to create a limited edition print of a tree inspired by the Lady and the Unicorn  tapestry in the Cluny museum to the first 50  people  who pledged for the rewards we offered in the fundraiser. We have 49 pledges so far, so there is one more chance to get this limited edition print in our Pozible campaign. Also if you would like to be included in the medieval project ( there will be an administration fee for the project as we are lining up some exciting venues), you can be  included with  your embellishment of this print.

We have also created a Facebook page dedicated to Musing in Textile:France where we will make updates form time to time.
So here is the unveiling of the print....drawing the design and transferring it onto the lino.

Carving the lino, and yes I did shed blood- I didn't do what I tell everyone not to do, cut towards myself

And the resulting print on fabric- plenty of scope for embroidering or quilting here! It is A4 in size (just a bit smaller or 286 mm x 210 mm)

 There is still time to support our Pozible  campaign by pledging for a reward and we have tried hard to make the rewards as enticing as possible.

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