Wednesday, August 20, 2014

11 Days to Go

 The nerves haven't calmed any more in the past two days- we had hoped to be further along with our Pozible fundraiser than we are, but also know from research that a lot happens in the last week. We also realise that not everyone is in a position to support but you can help us by spreading the word far and wide in your social networks and we would really appreciate it if you could.

We have added in a new reward at $25. If you pledge for this reward you will receive a linocut printed medieval tree inspired by the Lady and Unicorn tapestry and also a printed original card and our heartfelt thanks  on my blog. And  without your support this project will not go ahead so to those who have already pledged you are so much a part of the process and the book in a sense for without you it will not be possible to  make the book.The image below is the medieval tree print- it is A4 size ( legal paper)

And I have available my Chartres Queen panels which will be part of the Medieval project which will premiere in France in Nantes at the Quilt Mania Exhibition  in 2015 and have its Australian premiere at the Berry Patchwork retreat 2015. The project will  be in a similar vein to the Sentinelle project and I hope many people will stitch/embroider or embellish a pattern. There will be a size restriction- no wider than 50 cm by 70 cm long  and if you want to exhibit with the project there will be  an administration fee of  $25 to help defray the travel cost and administration costs per person ( however if you want to make  more than one panel this cost remains the same). I am also looking for further venues of course. This cost is over and above the purchase cost of the panel. 

The panels cost $20 each plus $3 for postage.Here are some of the colours I have available( and of course yellow ones which I did not photograph):

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