Finished River
Yesterday I transferred some leftover coloured papers onto the lutradur so that i could make a prototype piece for a bigger and longer river piece I want to do ( I am still undecided about the leaves so will mull on those for awhile before I begin sewing). But I want some river pieces for my exhibition in France. Firstly the colours in the photo ar enot accurate it's much more sea green than the pic and the river has been foiled with copper. I first stitched the edge of the river with a maroon colured thread- but it came out quite pink looking and I didn't like that, so then went over it in black. It measures 25 cm x 37 cm ( 10" x 14.5") and is for sale for $75 US including postage.
And Sharon 's comments about funding of artists are something that is one of my favourite rants- lots of money goes into arts administration and the runninng of "arts"organisations but the people who actually make or do the art are bottom of the tree. We also live in a country where sport is an obsession- the watching of it, not the doing- sometimes it just all gets too much. However in more positive moments I know that we are able to empower ourselves much more than we do- we also have means but don't think of using them to our benefit or only partially so.

Hallo Dijanne, op de valreep ben ik nog naar de quilttentoonstelling geweest in Panorama Mesdag en ik was onder de indruk. Ik bewonder je werk zeer.
Graag zou ik wat meer willen weten over het werken met Lutradur. Het is toch vrij dikachtig papier en niet echt doorschijnend, tenminste de Lutradur die ik in huis heb. Is dat hetzelfde wat jij gebruikt? Ik kan me niet echt goed voorstellen hoe je dat in een quilt verwerkt. Ik hoop dat je het niet erg vind dat ik in het Nederlands schrijf, en kijk maar of je mijn vraag wil beantwoorden.
Groeten, Wietske
Hi Dijanne
Your comments about sport touched a nerve. It is really frustrating that anyone who excels in sport is a hero yet anyone who excels in the arts is a nerd unless they are also a good sportsperson. As a music teacher for many years I felt that I was fighting a loosing battle in motivating exceptional students to consider opttions for the future in the area. I remember when my students won an Australia wide son wriing contest there was very little recognition of the achievement by the school, the community or any where regardless of the efforts made to draw atention to it.
Keep up your wonderful work.
rasa in canberra
Hi from New York, The river piece is stunning and so there it is. No matter how we think we sometimes fail or fall short...the artist inside compels us to create something as beautiful as this. Really striking. Sports here in U.S. is the same on a grand scale. My complaint is that they lately seem like a lot of overpayed-overhyped thugs and gangsters with attitude. Again, love the work you do. Amazing talent, Dee
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