These are some of the things flowering in my garden at the moment. Top left and bottom left are bottle brushes- they are flowers about 10 -15 cm long ( 4-6 inches) and attract little honey eaters. The seed heads bottom right are for Italian parsley.The kookaburra ( the largest fo the kingfisher family) is one of a pair that have lived here almost as long as we have.Sometimes they laugh so loudly, when people ring up they wonder what the noise is. Apparently the kookaburra's laugh was used for the "monkey" sounds in the original Tarzan films. I also don't use the colour pink much in my work as it is not one of my favourite colours- but I do love pink roses. The darker pink rose came from the garden where our house originally stood in Melbourne before we had it transported to Gellibrand.
Also to give you some idea of the region I live in I have put a few links to attractions that are closeby. There is the rainforest canopy walk not far away ( I haven't been- a bit afraid of heights) I live smack bang in the middle of the Otways- the link shows many of our local attractions when you click on highlights. The beach is about 45 minutes away- straight on what we call the Southern Ocean- in winter the cold southerlies come straight form the Antarctic.

What a gorgeous collage!!
What a wonderful collage of photos.
but, damn!! Now I'm going to be singing "kookaburra sits in an old gum tree..." all day!
What a beautiful warm treat to see this morning, as it snowed 3-4" here last night!
Beautiful photography! And all those warm sunny colors as we in the USA face the onset of wintery snows!
Thanks for sharing!
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