Another Teapot and Rosewater jug FOR SALE $45 US inclusive of postage.
I posted off my quilt "Tracks Across the Land" to the Carrefour Europeen du Patchwork yesterday- I am only showing a close-up shot at this stage as the Patchwork meeting does not commence until 17 September- wish I could go!Oh well. I need to get creative- have some ideas for more waterways quilts- but the weather has been so bad I can't get outside to do any dyeing or transfer painting.
The quilting on the Tracks Across the Land is incredible! Can't wait to see more.
レイバン wayfarerのモデルと言ったら、フレームの色がたくさんあるでしょう。この間、あのレイバンアウトレットショップで、かなり変わっているビビットグリーンのRB2140を見たが、5800円という値段、おかしいと思った。こう言うレアなレイバン RB2140モデル、そんなに安いわけがないよね!
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