Pomegranates 8"x8" ( 20cm square approx) for sale $60US inclusive of postage
Pomegranate postcard ( 4'x6") for sale $27US inclusive of postage
SOLD Hand dyed fabric each piece measures 55 cm x 200cm ( 20"x 117") for sale $60US each inclusive of postage
The weekend has flown and not much work done. Still searching for solutions to my housing problems, which takes up slabs of time when I would much rather be doing other things. I photographed the lichen in my garden- the apple trees seem to be havens for all sorts of woderful lichens- I particularly liked this one because of the coloured discs ( though I did doctor the image a bit). Might have to try that as a bit of free form lace with the valdani threads I have to make samples with- the colours of the threads are somehow so woody and organic.
The other day when I was doing some dyeing outside ,you sort of get into a trance like state- you know what you have to do and you just set to- the process is something so well practised that you really do not need to think about it too much. I started thinking about how some people really measure everything to the nth degree in the dyeing process ( this of course does help you duplicate a particular colour I will freely admit)- but it is also about controlling the process, and whilst I know certain ingredients need to be there to have a result I think I trust to the process rather than control the process- for me trusting it allows more serendipity to happen- you know the basic part will work but allow yourself the lack of control in the utmost detail- and somehow wonderful things emerge out of the dye bath.
Awhile ago Jude from
Spirit Cloth bought some hand dyed muslin ( lighter weight and lovely for hand sewing) from me- I also sent her a couple of log cabin blocks- I was really interested to see what she would do with them- her work is quite quite different to mine and yet I love it- for its intrinsic textile process- I also sense a trust in what she does with textile and for me that makes her work really expressive- I wa snot disappointed that's for sure !
And then Rachel from
Fiber Focus asked me to write a little about my work ( and maybe again about some other things in the future) for her blog which focuses on all sorts of wonderful textiles- the stuff in her etsy shop is gorgeous- and if I weren't saving every cent for my house that will be built ( one day) I would be her very good customer- anyway I am really grateful to Rachel for featuring some of my work and make sure you check out a lot of the other posts- there are some serious textiles to explore! I am just constantly amazed at how blogs connect people from all over the place.