Summer Forest- but which one? I dyed some fabric with the intent of forest- these seem like summer forests to me- and I have to think of some shapes to float over the top- but they are so much like a summer morning as the sun lights through the trees- actually it reminds me a little of the woods around Chateau de Chassy in the Morvan.But which wood to chose?
Sorry about the rant yesterday- I receive a very small amount of parenting payment( not the full amount ) for my children- but it seems that with the new rules that I am expected to earn money, even though I am earning some money , in the eyes of the government it is not enough- it seems that that amount has been specified by the government to be 30 hours per week at a rate of $13.00 per hour ( I think that is what they said)- my business does not earn that amount in a week- in fact it would be lovely if it did. I have worked hard for the last 12 years at getting to where I am, paid taxes as well- with little children around my feet and working in a tiny space ,I even did a Masters degree ( and worked at my business during the whole time) in the hope of perhaps getting some work in the tertiary sector- but that is a field of diminishing jobs.To give that up now to do some other kind of paid job( what kind of employment could I get in this place in any case, and I certainly don't want to go back to being a solicitor) seems kind of crazy so I guess I will forego the parenting payment. It seems that I can walk into many places overseas- that my curating is respected- but not here in my own country. So much for the governments cry of aiding small business.There is very little support for the arts by our governement and what support there is usually goes to arts administration rather than to the practising artists. If it wasn't for the fact that I have some wonderful artist friends I would say that we are becoming a country of philistines- where everything is part of the money equation except sport- where no outcome is worthy unless it has a dollar value and the bigger the dollar value the more "worthy" the outcome.
Anyway that brings me to another matter- perhaps leaving the country- it is a thought that has crossed my mind before- I have so much more work in Europe, but my children go to school here, though they are also getting more independent and mature.The fields of study they are expressing interest in are probably also better catered for in Europe.
I think the solution is to rent a small place in France for awhile-in the countryside, that I can use to store my teaching materials and where I can work and have a sewing machine. Can anyone give me suggestions as to how I might go about this? Does anyone have a small house I could rent?
That is such a cool piece of fabric. I drive through an area on my way home from work and the light is just like that in the Spring. The light comes through so strong because at that one point there is a river just behind and below the trees.
Sympathise with you on centrelink wish I could offer a plan of action but cant and it is unfair.
The fabric is beautiful, there is a forest area between Devonport (Tas.) and the Tamar River that we drive past and it looks just like your fabric.
Dijanne, I glanced at your stone angel yesterday but hadn't read the whole post. Isn't it always the way that we value something or someone "exotic" over what we have on our doorsteps? I have a quilting friend who goes to America to teach because she can't get that amount of work and that kind of respect here in NZ. Quilting groups in NZ bring in overseas tutors and ignore the talent we have here, who may be just as good but don't have the same exposure and recognition.
So I agree with everything you say about how tough it is to be an artist, but I don't have any brilliant ideas. Rent a cottage in France, and then invite all the quilters and textile artists you know to come and stay (for a fee!).
This doesn't sound very fair to me - it's also very short sighted because as you say you do a lot to spread the word about Australia and the arts. I also have nothing much I can suggest, and can only offer internet support and encouragement. I imagine there is a lot more work in Europe, and personally I would love to see you again in the UK, so if the family are willing to go to France, it could be a tremendous opportunity. My brother has just moved his family to La Rochelle, and his son is now a fluent French speaker and doing well at school. I'm sure he wouldn't mind helping look for accommodation etc if this is an area you are interested in.Good luck and best wishes
I wrote something about you on my blog -- Please let me know what you have in mind -- length of time, number of people, etc -- and I can at least let the word out that you are looking for something. You never know -- someone may know of somewhere!
I would also be very interested to chat about possibly, while you are here, doing a workshop/course here at the chateau, or in the area. Could work!
(my website details are on the blog)
would love to hear from you -
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