Tuesday, August 15, 2006

All the Sweet Perfumes

Serendipity or , does my subconscious really rule my life after all or is it just confluence? After calling this quilt All the Sweet Perfumes for a couple of days now ( after Lady Macbeth's outburst in the presence of the doctor) and then not being able to find the thread that i thought was perfect i remembered this morning that I had purchased some skeins of rayon in Damascus ( they use them for making tassels) that had winked and enticed me and couldn't be left there. It was still in the suitcase- where I had left things as most of my workstuff is packed away. So when i opened it- there it was - the perfect thread- the right colour and even more amazingly it had the sweet smell of perfume( i had bought some daphne essential oil which had leaked into my suitcase on the home ward journey). Now how did the thread know it was going into a quilt called All the Sweet Perfumes???

The lutradur has been transfer dyed with papers and the lighter spots are actually copper coloured foil which i have foiled on.I had this lutradur sent from Holland from Zijdelings in fact because it is lighter weight- therefore softer to the touch and als more transparent- as i wanted the background turquoise/ purple fabric to deepen the hue of the orange in the lutradur. I was looking to get the rich effect of byzantine tiling and colouring and a sense of depth and feeling. The thread is actually much richer in colour than suggested by the photo and there is a lot of it.


aykayem said...

serendipity ... that word has a good sound to it - LOL
... yes I think it must have been "meant to be" ... for some odd reason creative things seem to have an odd way of working out like that ...
btw - that other thread was probably perfect too - just like the bit of fabric I wanted to use in a bag I was making last year ... I know I have at least one bit that would have been enough for what I wanted to use it for, but I never did find it (still lost in the unsorted pile of mess) but I did find a little tiny scrap of it - enough to tease me - because it wasn't just my memory playing tricks - the colour WAS perfect ... but the bit I used instead was ok ... and I found a way to include the tiny little bit on the bag as well ;-)
btw - that piece of work looks wonderful ... it looks ok even without any thread yet (save yourself some work - give me the thread and tell everyone the work is finished already ;-)
- Andrea
... ducking and running

Joyce said...

It looks fabulous and its great that it will smell sweet as well. THe blue thread looks like an amazing color. Of course, blue is my favorite color so I may be biased.

Emmy said...

the hand embriodery is very good and the color great love this

Liz Plummer said...

Wow, I love this - the blue thread has really brought it to life as well. Serendipitous indeed.

Digitalgran said...

It's a wonderful piece of work.

Anonymous said...

So very beautiful - wish I could see it (and all your other work) in real life.

Anonymous said...

Oh my....yes, serendipity. You are just good....that's all there is to it! LOVE the color of that rayon.
