I will put up better pictures later today and take these off- the sun decided to emerge when I went outside to photograph after it had been dim and dull all morning.
I had wanted to finish quilting yesterday but the power went off for 3 hours so that was the end of the quilting. I have yet to put the sleeve and binding on- I haven't quite made up my mind about the binding yet- I am leaning towards a darkish one to accentuate the graphic-ness of the pomegranates and the dark of the underworld. Now onto the next quilt, and sponsorship proposals for creating a catalogue for Across Australia- so that I can post them before leaving .I am also thinking of creating a booklet of ideas and soem of the techniques I use- with colour photocopy pages in the centre- anyway I might make up one and see....
Today the structure for my studio/shed is going up- finally. I am so looking forward to having a larger space to work in and to have dedicated wall space on which to hang work. However I think it will be early summer before I am in there- things take time and I must not be too impatient.
I received confirmation yesterday that a workshop I enrolled for is going ahead when I am in Holland. It is called Afrikaans Schilderen and is with Irene Wolf (click on enter and then Beeldende Kunst and then Afrikaans Schilderen). With a title like that and my love of African stuff how could I not do this one day workshop!! I am looking forward to it as I haven't done a workshop in ages. I really like the felted work on Irene's website too and wished I had more time- I have lots of wool sitting here waiting for felting- I like the density of the fibre once it is felted- and yes yurts are made from felt!

1 comment:
Dijanne, I love this piece. The quilting makes the pomegranates really stand out. The whole piece is wonderful - it is very much your style, but still it has a newness about it that is very appealing. Makes me want to quilt again. :o)
Terri Keck
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