Here it is- the whole 72 squares in one big piece. I decided to satin stitch the lines between the squares for better definition.Please respect my copyright .I will be working on making it inot a booklet on the weekend, once I work out the best way tocapture the images.
I have been treading water waiting for the muse to arrive since coming back from Europe in late May- doing things, that would hopefullybring her out- but not a thing really appeared until yesterday- and then she arrived in full regalia- insistent and impatient too- but I wanted to finish the 72 squares entirely before moving onto the next piece which will be on a lighter weight lutradur. The papers are painted and the lutradur is waiting. It arrived from Holland during the week as I only have 18" wide lutradur left- so I ordered the 50" wide from the Netherlands.The muse was most insistent that I pay good attention in the middle of last night- anyway onward tomorrow and maybe later today.
Had to take a sick child to the doctor- her throat wasn't getting any better- we had to sit there for ages as we had a 'sit and wait' appointment- and sit and wait we did, so that cut a hole in the day and the signs are here that i am on the same lurgy path- better go and make some lime and honey drink .
Oooh, my appetite is whetted. I think I'm going to want one of your booklets when they are done. I'm curious about the transefer of paint to Lutradur as well. Does one use textile paints or thickened dyes? Do I understand correctly that you paint on paper and once it's dry, you iron the papers over the Lutradur and the image transfers? I think I have a bunch of Lutradur gifted from my SIL, but I haven't had teh time to play around with it. (My muse is still playing in a shopping bag city.)
Wonderful if the booklet is done I think I am in for one ,
greatings Emmy
I love your squares- very inspiring. I am looking foreward to your booklet and about your book about lutradur also.
72 squares are Marvellous ! i love your design. it's intruiging and compelling.
Good wishes for renewed health for everyone at your house.
Delicious, Dij, well done. Persevering is the only way to go, huh...?
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