The week did not improve- still have sick children at home , although they do seem to be getting better- but it meant less time to work. I did finish the 72 squares that measure 5"x5" and I am afraid I am going to be a little coy in showing them all as I really do want to make a booklet to sell. Sharing on the internet is a great thing and I really appreciate the comments people leave,however there are bills to pay and kids to feed as well -it's a fine balancing act! I also decided to make this a booklet myself rather than find a publisher as I have done the work in black thread on white cotton for ease of photographing or scanning as the case may be- I will see which works better. I tried to make the squares without reference to the way others quilt, though I did look at a couple of books as follows ( well I looked at the books once I got to 55 squares- the imagination dimmed then- it's a lot of work doing so many 5" squares!): Creative Drawing ;Point and Line by Rottger and Klante, The Self-Made Tapestry;Pattern Formation in Nature by Phillip Ball ( author of the Bright Earth;Art and the Invention of Colour a more scientific approach to colour than Victoria Finlay's most enjoyable book Travels Through the Paint Box) and Icons; Karl Blossfeldt- a Taschen book. I like the sample I did in the photo because of the illusion of dimensionality.
And I heard from my friend in Palestine- they are all right, thank goodness, but very frightened and worried of course, especially about their children.- So sign United Nations petitions- there are several around - let the UN know you care about these people. Someone in New Zealand has been helpinhg me clarify ideas around the Peace Boxes idea I mentioned some months ago ( it's been on a go slow with elderly parent illnesses and now kids)- we decided it would be too dangerous to do anything physical like sending actual boxes- who knows what idiot would put something dangerous in such a thing- but there are other ways- like the internet for example!
Well done on the 72 different squares Dijanne - it would be hard not to repeat yourself. Creative Drawing ;Point and Line is one of my favourites, too. You can put me down for one of your booklets - sources of inspiration are a welcome addition to my library.
Hi Nic, I was really tempted to go for 100- but I was really searching for continuous line things by the end- if I had months I could probably make 100-maybe. And it was really weird stitching on just white cloth with black thread. Really not so different to a white page in a journal but ultimately totally different!
The piece you have on this post looks to me like a contour drawing describing one of Marja-Leena's Writing on Stone Park photographs from a vertiginous angle.
Good luck with the booklets.
Love looking at your squares... and I'd stand in line to purchase the booklet. Have you looked into LuLu.com? They have a number of self-publishing options.
Good to know that you've heard from your friend - even though it doesn't make anything better for them. It's difficult to know what will, though I'm off to search for a UN petition.
On the quilting front, I had a copy of Rottger and Klante before I got into P & Q and love what you've taken from them.
Hope the 'siccies' recover quickly, nursing can be draining when there are things to get on with.
I would be interested in a booklet as well! Let me know when it is available
Please add me to the growing list of those wanting to purchase a copy of your book! I, too, love line drawing and find I really enjoy quilting primarily because it's another way to draw!
I think the booklet idea is a real winner - I can think of loads of people who would pay for it. My daugher came home yesterday for a bit of TLC - turns out she has glandula fever - so I guess the nursing bit never stops. Glad your friend is ok too.
We are back from our holidays an we are very affraid abour the world.
love, big kisses
ina and gertjan
Love the squares. What a fabulous idea. Would love to buy a booklet - a fabulous idea. Will keep an eye out in future posts for news of the booklet.
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