I have posted some photos of things I have been working on since back. Firstly an A3 sized piece using transfer dye and polyester film I bought in Holland, to see whether I like the effect. I also painted some fabrics as I replenished my supplies of Trapsuutjies paints- alas I did not have much white fabric to hand, I thought I had left behind a roll so that I could jump into things when I got back- but that must have been in my dreams! And lastly some of the things I print with. The two green foam stamps are designed by Laura of Trapsuutjies and as one is of a pomegranate , how could I leave it behind? She has the stamps/stempels for sale from her website. The others stamps are indian wood block and a batik copper tjap. I have had both for ages, but sometimes you forget what you have and I found these when I was looking through my printing box.
I also did some trawling of the internet looking for art that deals with memory and art- I am still exploring memory/culture/and art as part fo the art making process. There is art dealing with very particular memories- for instance the work of artists whose parents experienced the holocaust- so that the artists memory is a kind of reflected memory, or art dealing with memory of trauma ( for example Gwen Magee's work I have mentioned before), or memory of displacement, but I have been able to find little art dealing with the place of memory in experiences that are't painful or about alienation. However today I stumbled across the work of Elena Climent- and instantly fell in love with ( being a collector of all manner of things) I love the richness of the colour of her work and its very nostalgic presence. I also like the fact that the catalogue is a pdf file so I can print it off when I get some better paper. I hope you enjoy the work as much as I did.
Changes at Threadwatch - RSS a bit Screwey
I've made some changes to the way that the system works here at Threadwatch. Changes i've been meaning to do for a long time now.
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a ##advice## site/blog. It pretty much covers ##advice## related stuff.
Come and check it out if you get time :-)
Have you seen Natasha Kerr's site? www.natashakerr.co.uk She deals with memory, using photographs.
I love that upper piece, Dijanne!
Hi - thanks for your note. In haste, two names that floated up to the surface when I awoke this morning: Claudia Kunin's art photos www.claudiakunin.com, and Linda Behar's embroideries www.lindabehar.com/memory
You have got me fascinated now, and I shall be interested to see how many people do NOT use photographs, as that strikes me as a little too easy - depending on what they do with them, of course.
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