Two Angel panels
Thank you all for the very nice comments about the first stone angel panels. I will try and answer the questions. Omega asked about the background fabric- I actually used it to photograph the piece on- but decide I liked it- don't know whether I will use it- but the fabric was discharged velveteen- and had shadowy ghost sort of shapes which seemed to set the mood for the piece. The number of squares do not match a rosary- but I do like the repeats, as prayers are repeated and I would have thought the original purpose of the stone bibles would have been to remind of prayers or some such things. Re the squiggle lines- I wasn't consciously repeating the waratah petal patterning- but yes it does look a little like it. I was trying to make it look like writing but just the pattern of writing rather than anythign in particular.
The second panel ended up different to what I thought. For a start I transfer dyed some turquoise with the stone angel printed in black- it was too dark to use. So I went back to the orange but used another piece of lutradur which was more transparent ( I had forgotten I had bought it) this allowed the background fabric much greater play- and I chose to use a aqua coloured background fabric, which in the actual piece gives a patina of corroded copper- which is quite lovely. Definitely worth working with this and playing some more. I have over the years collected many black and white postcards of sculptures in churches I have visited- with the intent of using them one day- I think I should be able to create my own lino-cuts inspired by these cards and then use them to create a series of panels. I have been looking for ways to incorporate the things I have seen when travelling into my work, and this might just be one way.

Brilliant brilliant idea! I think that the idea of making lino prints of sculptures is inspired. It is always such a Eureka moment when one finds a way to make inspirations into elements of one's own work. The process seems to enhance both the inspiration, and the work made. Quite a positive angel!
I love the way these are turning out, Dijanne.
Dijanne, I am really enjoying these works based on the stone bible. I can't wait to see how you go with the postcard idea.
I love the stone angels. Wonder if your lutradur is the same stuff that I have, mine is white (used in the automotive industry here), is yours colored or did you paint it? It burns nicely too.
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