Front of the property

When we first bought the block of land in Gellibrand there were few trees on the property,although the nature strip was full of trees. So we have been able to plant trees that suited our needs and also that of the wildlife. We used to come down on weekends and pitch our tent and dig and plant trees. Then we recycled a house from the suburbs of Melbourne which arrived in 3 pieces and was put back together and slowly you stop sleeping under the stars because you are inside the house with electricity. A couple of years ago I got sick of sleeping insidethe house , and in the summer we pitch tents aka Summer Palaces. They aren't much but the night sky is the richest jewel, and the air is fresh and pristine and you sleep as you should sleep. The birds wake you in the morning and the hoot of an owl sent me to sleep the night before last. Last night was too scarey to sleep out- too much thunder and lightening, but it's going to be fair weather for awhile. The tables next to the palaces are my summer work tables.
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