They say hereabouts,that when Pic St Loup is shrouded in cloud it will rain. So far no rain and certainly not on my walk. How the colours have changed in just a few weeks. It was dark and gloomy when I went out this morning, I could hear the gunshot of hunters, and even encountered one. Would love to have taken his photo as he was all fitted out in his hunting gear including his dog with a bell.
I have to start packing everything up for my return to Australia- it's quite a task as I have gathered things in order to be able to work and luggage allowance is so limited that i can only take so much and I must admit to having gone on a bit of a catalogue craze at Carrefour Europeen du Patchwork- they may have to form the library of our Atelier Printemps Sacre. I will continue to have some of my work for sale Aat
Centre Europeen du Patchwork in Salleles d'Aude.
I head back to Australia on the 3rd of November and if anyone in Oz is interested in any of my workshops please contact me. I will be adding some new workshops when I have time to revamp my brochure of workshops.I will be living in the Geelong area when I find a house to live in.
Workshops Place Still Available for Workshops near Paris
I also have to teach some workshops and there are still some places available in the following:
14-16 October 2010
At MJC Palaisseau ( near Paris)- 3 workshops, Form and Variation ( Investigations and abstractions on a theme), Serigraphy, Breakdown Printing ( Polychromatic printing) contact details can be found on
Christine Moulin's website, and the dates are 14-16 October. So if you are at all interested these will be fun classes, and yes my time in france is unfortunately winding down.
12 October 2010
Best of Quilting, Marcoussis
Pique Libre- one place left
21 October 2010
Best of Quilting, Marcoussis
Working and Stitching with Ravissent Lutradur