A colour page from my journal- more pomegranates.
And some fabric I painted yesterday I am intending to use it in a quilt- though I haven't planned the quilt as such but Imight repeat the meandering lines. I also found some interesting websites to look at: Els van Baarle - a Zeeuwse ( actually quite close to where my fathers family comes from) who makes wonderful art cloths using a variety of techniques- I love the wonderful atmospheric photo of the golden piece against the wall . I first saw some of Els' fabnric at the European Quilt Championships. More batik fabric from Helene in Belgium- i love the use of positive/negative graphic as a result of her scribbling/writing. And another website of Venetian windows- I love Venice, and hope I shall be able to go there again at some stage- but it is very expensive for Australians to go there.
And I have still not heard from my friend in the West Bank- and given what has been happening I cannot believe that a country can carry out such disproportionate strike power on innocent civilians in the way Israel has in total and flagrant disregard of rulings of the International court of Justice ( perhaps I am rather naive in this- but can you imagine if the converse happened??)regarding the wall and in abject violation of the Charter of Human Rights. For whilst the focus has been on the bombardment of Lebanon and the bombardment in Haifa ( and thank goodness the SBS News Service is giving us a sort of balanced reporting of what is going on) the people in Gaza are still without power without money with very limited water, and are still being attacked daily inside their territory and civilians are still dying. And eerily two of my children have been listening to the Zombie song from The Cranberries- even though they don't understand the real import of the lyrics- it has been playing the last few days in my house - and it seems rather apt- unfortunately it seems to be human nature that if you have bombs you use them on others that may not have the same fire power. And on reading one SBS news report it seems 106 Palestinians have died ( allegedly militants but with an alarming number of children amonst the dead and with an even more alarming number of casualties in refugee camps) compared to one Israeli soldier- it begs a very obvious question which I don't think any thinking human being really wants to answer. Stop this outrage- it is wrong wrong wrong and nothing will make it right !
That piece of fabric is stunning - I'd hate to be the one to cut it!
I'm just flabbergasted at what is happening between Israel and it's neighbours at the moment- it's beyond any reason - I can't believe this is allowed to happen today. They make a mockery of history.
Delicious cloth, Dijanne, great work. Are you planning particular work based on the cloth, or...?
I do like that fabric, but what ARE those thick meandering lines - it looks as though you dyed a tapeworm!
wonderful fabric love the worm
Hi Dijanne,
Since we have been on holidays I have not read your blog for weeks now. Today I was able to do some readings and I am very impressed about it all.
Your works, the Syrian embroideries, your France adventure next year. etc. etc.
The problems in the Middle East become more and more out of controle, it is a non proportional
anger that makes wat is happening now.
I hope citizens of the East are able to keep their hope on freedom, all people: Palestines, Arabics and Israelies. Some day it must be happening?
Or phrasing Martin Luther King:
I have a dream.................
Love Ina Klugt
Your work, as always, is lovely.
The situation in the Middle East is criminal and I am so tired of my government's whole-sale support of Israel no matter what they do but I am at a loss as to what to do about it except write letters....
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