I know I have posted a picture of Broccoli Sunset before but I had a pleasant surprise the first day of the Stitches and Craft Show- it won first prize in the Art Quilt category. I won a voucher for commercial fabric ( seeemed a rather odd prize) however they kindly allowed me to take white homespun- so lots of fabric for dyeing! Thank you Leutneggers!The best of show was a miniature quilt by Luixin Newman- which had the most delicate hand quilting and an amazing 1,600 leaves appliqued on it!!It was a lovely piece.
The show was fun- ran into lots of peope I knew- got to play with the Bernina dry felting attachment and the BSR foot- and challenged myself to find as many free machining designs as possible, whilst allowing people to have a go with the BSR foot- I came up with 48 during the show- but I am going to redo the samples so that they are more even ( 5" square) and I will be producing a spiral bound folio- which I will be selling. I should have it ready by the end of the week so watch this space and let me know if you would be interested in such a booklet. I am hoping to get the total up to 72 different free machining ideas.The bernina Dealers that were there will all be stocking it- they were very supportive of the whole idea and people kept coming by every couple of hours to see what new ones I had sewn up.
congrets so nice for you.It is a wonderful quilt ,
en je hebt het wel verdiend je werk is geweldig
Congrats on your win.
I take it you are very pleased with the Bernina needle then? I look forward to seeing some of the work you do with it. Someone told me that they created a lot of fluff in the machine.
That Bernina needle thingy seems to be all the rage here at the moment too, but it seems quite expensive, so people are getting into groups to buy and share. Many congratulations on your win - it must be a wonderful feeling.
ps can I put my name down for the booklet please. I'm searching at the moment for a free machine pattern along the lines of ammonite fossils. Thanks.
Dear Dijanne,
As you know, I am impressed by your works. please keep me informed about your experiences ( ik bedoel ervaringen ) as I make several workshops at "our dealer".
Every day there are new uitdagingen: sorry I dont't know the right english word.
tomorrow I am going to Liesbeth.
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