Today i splurged and bought "Matisse, The Master" by Hilary Spurling after Omega's comments on her blog. I love a good biography and when it is about one of your favourite artists well then you just have to be annnoyed that there is no Amazon Australia and you have to wait two weeks. I will be interested to see if she touches on the influence of tifaifai on Matisse's cut out work of the last years- I have only ever seen mention of it once in all the things i have read of Matisse and then it was a passing comment- but as i am deeply interested in tifaifai and indeed feel my work is much influenced by it ,the connections in Matisse's work is obvious. Also in a catalogue I have ( and am sorry can't name because it is packed away in anticipation of the shed) there is mention of the fact that a friend in Tahiti gave Matisse a tifaifai when he was in Tahiti and that he afterwards wrote to her and asked for another. I think I can see obvious links in the linen printed cloths he did for Ascher & co and in the later work although undoubtedly with his own independent spirit.
And i pray for Palestine every night, the silence really is deafening- I have a friend in Ramallah who has boys almost the same age as my girls- and i fret whether her boys will ever get to do what my girls get to do.

Is this crazy? I pray for horrible aliens to coming to earth killing thousands indiscriminately so that once and for all the people of this stupid planet will see that we are all one people and stand together. Why it has to be against something and not for something is the neverending puzzle, but at this point, I'll take the alien invasion.
The silence in both the mainstream media and on the blogs is deafening. Ever since this started, I've been keeping a sharp ear/eye out for news. I don't understand it -- the big news last week was about some woman who had a falling out with Barbara Walters.
The most reliable source of updates that I have found is over at Pajamasmedia -- they compile weblog entries on a variety of subjects, from a variety of perspectives. Their latest entry is here:
and the links on that blog entry lead to other articles. Thought you might be interested.
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