I have been thinking about what i am going to do when I go to France next year with my family- I need to really capitalise on whatever I do. Having been to Chateau de Chassy before is good- I know what to expect and I will be working on a dedicated book project with Mme Tison. It also got me thinking about how it all started in 1997 when I entered Chassy D'Or a contemporary quilt exhibition Mme Tison used to organise and which was exhibited in the castle. I won equal first prize with one of my Hellfire quilts ( qudos only) and Mme Tison purchased the quilt- which was really one of my first sales of my more "arty" quilts. The sale gave me much needed confidence and started the correspondence which led to my family and I staying at Chassy for 3 months in 2000.It was an incredible experience to live in a castle when we live in a very humble three bedroom weatherboard in the otway ranges. The french painter Balthus lived there in the 1950's and many famous artists visited the castle. The painting is one of that Balthus did of the forecourt of the castle. The first thing my kids asked when i told them we were going again was if the little hotel down the road was still open- on Monday nights, like all the local people, we would wonder down there for our evening meal and for a very reasonable price would be served hearty home cooked meal and the cook ( the owner and a local woman) would always have a little special treat for the girls, which was really sweet of her.
The castle lies about 1 hour east of Dijon in the Morvan natural parc- it is well serviced with tourist accommodation including caravan parks. I shall be giving a few workshops whilst I am at Chassy and another thought that crossed my mind was to have a week long get together with other artists- to make a collaborative project- so that there is no instructor but we - but that we all share and work together and assume each others expertise- I need to think this through a bit more- but it could be an interesting thing to do and may build relationships for the future. Any thoughts would be appreciated. I may also be organising some exhibitions for a two week period in the castle. Need to work on the logistics of that! But there is sure to be some Australian work on show!
In 2007 I am also giving a workshop at le Palliseau and in le Mans ( and whatever else I manage to organise). I had better practice my French!
Hey Dijanne we will have to make some plans about this I AM THERE!!! Hopefully there will be some room for me! we can talk about this at Val D'Argent ... I will send you an email today or tomorrow, today is really busy with embroiders guild and village fete.
Dijanne, your collaborative project week sounds amazing - keep telling us about it and the rest of your plans (we poor untravelled love to dream).
oh, metoo, metoo... perhaps a mention on alternativequiltlist would produce some interested parties?
Hi, Dijaane, I am french, I do some art quilts, woven necklaces and fabric journals. I live in Périgord in an old house (XIX° century) and in a garden with swimming pool. Périgord is the country of prehistoric caves (Lascaux, Les Eyzies)and 2000 castles!!If you vist with your family, we can stop at home, you will be welcomed (it's on the south of France between Limoges and Perigueux,S.O)
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