Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Um Kahlil has pointed out to me that the picture of Fatmeh that I have collaged with the pomegranates is not actually the Fatmeh that was killed last week. The Fatmeh of the picture's story is at another location. The story of the Fatmeh of the picture is just a reminder that so much we take for granted is simply not possible in Palestine even with the best of intentions from doctors in Israel.

1 comment:

Olga Norris said...

I think that one of the most distressing aspects of world history is that as individuals we generally have (or believe we have) no power to make any impact whatsoever. I believe, however, that at some point in our lives, if we find that something needs doing to try to make a change, then we should attempt to do something.
It might be a drop in the ocean, but after all, an ocean is made up of drops.