Printing I Did Yesterday

Yesterday was one of those days- it is the middle of our long summer school holidays ( there is three kids climbing the walls here) and it has done nothing but rain non-stop for 5 days. Every bit of printing I tried had something go wrong with it and at the end of the day with only half done what I had planned I was ready to scream. This morning it did not look as bad as I had thought- there is still more to do, but I can see an end in sight! When you click on the image a larger image comes up, and it is actually clearer . Now to more printing- fingers crossed nothing goes wrong, and then some hard thinking about the last two lace pieces- numbers 9 and 10- at the moment my mind is a blank. I am very tempted to use some of the woad dye I got for painting on silk at Lectoure last year. Unfortunately most of their woad extraction process had been moved elsewhere, though I did get a cursory guide through the woad extraction process. And of course I bought some things in the shop. All the window shutters were once painted with woad to keep off the flies, and even now many window shutters are painted in blue for the same reason. I also had a wonderful meal at a little restaurant in Lectoure called Auberge des Bouviers in rue Montebello. And I stayed in the Haute Garonne at a bed and breakfast run by ">Frances who is an artist and ceramacist and who was a delightful hostess.Her house was one of those wonderful traditional houses of the region.
1 comment:
Dijanne, you look like you used a tape lace pattern to make your stamp on the blue fabric. Such an easy lace to transfer to other mediums!
The poppies look great, the smudgy ones will look ok when painted I am sure.
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