Caravan Moments- Blue green For sale $60 Us inclusive of postage ( measures approximately 8 inches square)
And the 175,000th visitor was someone from Slough in the United Kingdom using British Telecom as their service provider. I hope you can work out who you are! and if it's you email me as I will be sending you a little something.
There is still no polish on the slab- arghhh- I left a desperate phone call this morning. It is so frustrating trying to find things that you need for your work. I spent an hour searching for my printing stamps and lino-cuts and still haven't located them,
The only work I can make is small work or hand work- the area in which i sew is too small to handle a biggish quilt. Someone is lending me their house for a couple of days, but then I have to lug everything over there and then back again. But it will at least give me some time to stitch a biggish quilt.Before I used to sew these in the shed.
I shall also be teaching in the South of France on 10-11 Septemeber 2008 at Salleles d'Aude at Centre Europeen du Patchwork
as follows:
Stage par Dijanne Cevaal
mercredi 10 et jeudi 11 septembre 2008- 9h30 à 17h3070€ 1 jour,130€ les 2 jours Repas et matériel de teinture compris.Premier jour : teinture par transfert pour de petites quantités.Deuxième jour : matelassage et application à la machine à coudre. Apprentissage et perfectionnement du piqué libre.Et biensûr toujours les conseils d’une grande artiste australienne ! Votre place est réservée à réception de votre paiement par chèque. Vous pouvez choisir l’un ou l’autre jour selon les thèmes ou suivre le stage sur les 2 jours.Le stage sera annulé une semaine avant (mardi 2 septembre)si le nombre minimum de participantes n’était pas atteint et votre chèque vous sera retourné.
The Centre is lovely an old converted wine cellar- with dedicated "textile" exhibition space downstairs where Marie shows textiles from her own collection in lots of different genres and exhibition space upstairs with changing exhibitions four times a year. I shall be having an exhibition there in 2010 with a painter. The Languedoc Rousillon region really appeals to me and I always love going there.I believe that my fathers family from a long time ago may have come from the region .
mooie tifaifai.Kijk uit naar oktober
To Dijanne's readers -
While I did not take a class at Centre Europeen du Patchwork, I did visit Dijanne there in May 2006. Salleles d'Aude is a picturesque village and I am sure that Dijanne's classes will be fabulous.
I love reading your Blog, Dijanne and following your creative life.
Being useless at anything computery I left my 'confession' on yesterday's comments - unless you have another 'secret admirer' in the Slough area, then I claim the honour of being visitor number 175,000!
Thanks for being so open and sharing with all your ideas and textiles - you are an inspiration to us all.
Best wishes,
Hope your slab has been polished by now.
I won't see you at Sallèles, as I'll leave south of France at the very beginning of September. I'm pleased to know you'll be at Ste Marie Mines with Laura. Please remember to bring your CDs if they are ready. I'll need at least 2 of them.
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