Thursday, April 20, 2006


After deciding that I liked a row of pomegranates along the side of the fabric I wondered what if I cut them out- and took away the sharp edge? I ended up cutting them all out and then placing them onto the piece. I like the lutradur for this for you can see it, but it is not as sharp a contrast as fabric would be and it still allows the background fabric to play in the whole, so it is much more subtle and it doesn't take away from the richness of the fabric. What you can't see here is the thread really gives that sparkle and richness to the surface, because I am running two threads through my needle adding to the depth of colour- almost like a real pomegranate.

I feel as if I have hit on pomegramate lode here- for a start I have always loved the fruit and have been known to knock on a perfect strangers' door to ask if I can pick the fruit, it is the symbol for my favourite classical tale of Demeter , and I saw lots of it when I travelled through Egypt and Syria- in some of the old Roman tiles which were being restored, in other motifs, and it occurs frequently in early printed textiles, suggesting that in the sixtenth century it may have held a much more symbolic meaning than now. I wonder what it was that we have lost? Posted by Picasa


Debra said...

I found a website on pomegranites ( where they write:

The derivation of the word pomegranate comes from the Middle French pome garnete (seeded apple), but Europeans were slow to adopt the pomegranate. The pomegranate was probably introduced from Sicily, however Europeans, then under Norman influence, distrusted fruits and vegetables, preferring a meat-based diet. It is mentioned in the 14th century Ménagier de Paris which offered some recipes, and as we see in the quote from Romeo and Juliet it was known in England in Elizabethan times. The enthusiasm for pomegranate as a food was limited, but it was widely used as a decoration.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Dij,
How very lovely. It's been a long time since I threaded two strands of rayon through my needle. You are so right about the depth and richness it lends.

My pomegranite here in Sonora is finally in full leaf and beginning to bloom. I think it's time to take the camera out towards that corner of the yard. thelma