I have finally gotten to the bottom of my room and now have a table set up to work on- the other table is still loaded full- the rest of the stuff is in the shed.
I worked on some lutradur today that I had painted before I went away- stitching the lozenge shapes. I melted back some of the lutradur with a wood burning tool I bought recently but it is so hot that I managed to burn through some of the fabric as well. I also dyed some fabric- I bought some old damask table cloths in England last year and the fire/forest piece is dyed on the damask- the colour came up just gorgeous. I am still thinking about whether I will leave it ful width- just under two meteres orcut it smaller. I also liked what happened when I collaged the fabric but unfortunately that would make it huge and I don't have enough fabric.
i have been sorting out my next trip away. I leave Australia on the 26th of April for France and then Spain. I am teaching at the following places;
29/30 April at Girona ( not far from Barcelona)- class is full
11/12 May at Centre du European Patchwork at Salleles d'Aude
15/18 May at the Stofmeid in Borger in Drente- the Netherlands also in conjunction with an exhibition of Australian quilts I have organised ( not Across Australia)- showing work of Alsion Schwabe, Wendy Lugg, Clare Smith, Robina Summers, Olga Walters, Sue Dennis, fiona Wright and beth and trevor reid and myself- lots of variety in technique and vision.
19/20 May at the Lapjesgaard at Amstelveen near Amsterdam ( there is still some spcae for these classes)
24-28 May I am having an exhibition with my friends Annelies Elburg, Laura Liebenberg and a felter whose name escapes me as well as demonstrations by Elvira from Dreamling at the Pannekoeke Boerderij Erve Brooks in Gelselaar , Gelderland in the Netherlands.
And I hope( I will- have to) to make 3 quilts before the 26th and I am thinking two of them will be large.....