I have been doing some more silk dyeing because what I had in mind has been growing. Gerrie was quite right when she said the process of surface design is often ruled by the serendipity priniciple- which is half the fun- and that therefore it is difficult to surface design with something specific in mind. However that serendipity factor did in the end play a role. I had another go at the orange and black- but had a small piece of silk left from some other thing which had not worked out- so I decide to tie some rocks into it and put on the black dye. I really liked what happened to that piece and it suddenly changed rocks into strata of rocks- and so I tied and dyed the other top sil piece today as I could see it merging into blue. I think it now needs some vertical movement- which I may do with heavy stitching or with torn twined silk.
On Friday I had a delivery of threads from Downunderdale- I often use Victory machien embroidery threads from the Threadstudio in Perth- and always take some with me when teaching due to the fact that Europe does not have the most brilliant selection of threads- or not that I have found. I know there is a wonderful silk place in Paris but I have lost the address. But I also ordered one of the Khadi journals. Khadi is hand made paper form the south of India and is made from recycled cotton rag. I am not sure what it is but i really like working with it- you can also sew on it quite happily- another plus.
I use khadi paper a LOT, it's great stuff, good for book making. Haven't stitched into it...yet...
Could you be thinking of "Au Ver a Soie"? http://www.auverasoie.com/
Khadi paper is wondrous to stitch by machine I've found. I agree that there is something really scrummy in the way it handles.
Heel erg mooi zo Dijanne, vooral die oranje delen lijken als gloeiende kooltjes.
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