For Sale ( measures approx 30 cm square ) $75 US inclusive of postage
The first image is of a print I have made on evolon. I rubbed fabric transfer crayons on paper over my village linocut and then painted the paper with transfer paint. The resulting print was quite soft- that is the image wasn't clearly distinguishable though there was a pleasant patina of the orange coming through. I then decided to stitch it after all ( I wasn't going to as I thought the print not distinct enough). I firstly stitched around the village components in orange but this wasn't contrasty enough so I ended up stitching around with the 12 weight rayon Ihave been trialling for Aurifil Threads. I then decided to darken the background elements- it looks very arabian now with those colours!
I am teaching transfer dyeing and printing at Sew Bright Quilting in Bright north eastern Victoria on Saturday Septemeber the 12th in case anyone in that area is interested.
If you are interested in an on-line lino-cutting course- just email me- the next course commences on September 21. If you are worried that your english is not good enough don't worry ( plus I can speak dutch, some french, some german and some italian)- I put a lot of images in my lessons so people can clearly see what is required
I love the way this turned out. The stitching is great and really adds to the piece.
I really like this one too. It does look very Arabian. Good job!
This piece has worked beautifully!
Love the Arabian piece - it's really weird because I dreamed last night of an image very similar but I had been watching a fabulous programme about the ancient incense route through Arabia on TV.
Wanted to say I bought some Trapsuutjes inks for my printing at the Festival Of Quilts two weeks ago and played with them today. Wonderful - thank you for the recommendation - they are super. I had a chat with the girl on the stall - she knows you and she told me about the workshops in Belgium next year that you are coming to. I might try to come as my cousin lives in Brussels about 1 hour away. Have to organise childcare though!! xx
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