Thank you for the very supportive comments regarding my previous post- yes it is partly angst, and the fine balance of creating and getting your work out there. I just get enticed by glossy magazines and forget that their main game is to sell magazines and disseminate information.
The images are part of a page from a book entitled
"Historic Textile Fabrics" by Richard Glazier published by B.T.Batsford, London sometime during the first World War.This particular textile was said to be a Persian Silk Brocade from the XVII Century- isn't it marvellous?? The next image is my attempt to make a linocut of a protion of the textile and it is taking quite a lot of cutting- I think I need to get better tools- perhaps once i move to France!
It is less than three months before we move- so I am having to do quite a bit of planning as to how to pack things away and what I will need to take with me- granted I cannot take much with me as I also have to take the My PLace quilts which take up a whole suitcase.
As I looked at dates and as I do have a wait list for my next on-line linocutting course I decided I needed to start the next course on 21 September 2009 so that participants have time to finish exercises whilst I still have regular internet access. I expect that will be disrupted until we settle down in February of 2010- there is a lot of running around to do!
The course consists of three fortnightly lessons delivered as a pdf document which entails a number of exercises- building from relatively simple marks, learning to know your tools, to more complex designs and interpreting photos and drawings and coloured printing in the last lesson. I set up a Yahoo group so you can share photos and so we can also discuss and troubleshoot- there is always different things that come up. I have also set up a blog to which participants will have continuing access- which will be a resource of linocutting in its variations- looking at different artists and different applications. The cost is a one off fee of
$30US. If you are interested just email
me. Payment can be made via Paypal if in Australia via bank deposit or cheque.