It's done!! The
Lovely Lutradur CD
,Marion Barnett and I have been working on is done! The CD is a pdf document ( you need
Acrobat reader which is a free download) of the book we have written regarding this material and its use ( wouldn't a publisher be nice...) Anyway meanwhile- the book/cd contains information on what Lutradur is , how to colour it, ideas of what to do with it with instructions, trouble shooting , suppliers section and a gallery section- 88 pages in total with information we hope will inspire you! We have created the Gallery section in a separate pdf document to give you more printing options. The Cd is available from Marion or myself- simply email Marion or I. I can process orders via Paypal very easily and if you cannot use Paypal.
We have priced the
Lovely Lutradur Cd to include packaging and posting- so the prices are:
Australia $25 inclusive of postage
United Kingdon 12 GBP- inclusive of psoatge
Europe 15 Euros inclusive of postage
USA $24 inclusive of postage
You certaily are ahard worker glad you got it done with all the other stuff you need to do.
I'll be having one of those.
Hi Dijanne,
Great is is finally finished now.
Beautiful cover design.
Hi, This is attractive picture. go on with and give us more and more.
using lutradur
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