I am running out of time. I still hope to get this quilt done- all the background quilting stillhas to go in and it is quite a big quilt 135 cm x 135 cm (50 " x50") and I am using
Matilda's Own wool batting which is my preferred batting ( wadding ) for quilting. It allows heavy stitching without stretching and is very stable but still retains nice texture with heavy stitching.It is hard working on this quilt today as it is 40 degrees celsius plus ( that's 100 degrees fahrenheit or more) and there is a northerly blowing- that is fire weather here and every thign is so dry that it will take any small thing to take off.Tomorrow is more of the same .
My ticket for Egypt has finally been issued- thank goodness i was starting to worry a little given that we fly on Sunday and the opening of Across Australia is 26 January. Sandy I will try and post an intinerary at some point. I am teaching in Dubai 1-5 march and Kuwait 7-9 March on the way home.Also Across Australia will be exhibited in Kuwait in the next room to where i am teaching.
have a great trip dijanne!!!
This is stunning. Brava.
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