I finished this quilt at 8 pm and at th emoment I don't care if I ever see another sewing machine again. I have used 10,000 metres of thread since Christmas , my arms and neck are sore but it is done! Even the sleeve is sewn down on this one. I will take another top with me in case I get any time to sew in Egypt and I am taking hand work but apart from that it is a relief to have them out of the way! And it has been stinking hot today- pushing around a big quilt with wool batting is not exactly the ideal activity for such a hot day!
Have a wonderful, successful trip to Egypt, Dijanne. I hope it will be a bit of a holiday for you at the same time. You deserve a break after all the hard work.
That's an amzing amount of thread you've gone through, Dijanne! You've been very productive. Have a great trip. I also use wool batting (from NZ, natch - why else have 40 million sheep here?) and find it great.
Shirley in NZ
Dijanne, have a wonderful time, I hope you get time to rest a little and enjoy,
love both these two quilts thanks for photos, Frances,
I've really being enjoying your blog, reading about your processes and looking at your gorgeous work. You've had a wonderful response to the show already. I wish you all success on your trip, with the exhibition and the teaching and the many opportunities to connect with an appreciative audience. Try to get some time to relax too, especially after all this hard work you've been doing - 10,000 metres of thread - wow!
Hi Dijanne,
Have a great time in Egypt and the Middle East. I have been in Cairo in 1982 and find it a very impressive city. Then it was my first big trip to another very different world and I was young and naieve, so.........
I am sure your daughter will have not enough eyes to see everything.
Your quilts are great, 10.000 meters of thread, pffffffffff. Don't you have nightmere's of all that?
Love and kisses.
I think that the thread company should sponsor you! Have a great trip.
Hi Dijanne, How good to discover your blog (how many do you have?) I am amazed by all that you do. Your work seems to become better and better and you were always very good already. It will be nice meeting you again somewhere in quiltland. Best, Mirjam
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