Firstly - thank you Omega for you very complimentary comments about Broccoli Tree Horizon and Sally Bramald too and everyone for that matter. Don't know what to say.
Claire Fenton tagged me for the four things meme and as yesterday didn't turn out as planned, and I didn't do the sewing as planned I don't have a photo to share as yet- later today!. I took the kids into town to watch the latest Harry Potter movie as it was the last day of being able to see it close by, otherwise we would have had to drive 100 kms there and then back again to see it.
Four Things Meme
Four Jobs You've Had:
Thistle cutter- gave birth to the line oopsie a poopsie which had my brother and I writhing with laughter- thistle cutting is as boring as that!
Textile artist( fruitcake artist really)- actually Curator of International Travelling Quilt Art!
Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over:
Pirates of the Caribbean
Thirty Nine Steps
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Four Places You've Lived:
Anna Paulowna , Netherlands,
Jerilderie NSW, Australia,
Canberra ACT Australia,
Gellibrand River Vic Australia- and maybe…. one day…. for part of the year the Languedoc in France ( you can dream)
Four TV Shows you love to Watch:
Don’t watch much tv but like old shows on video
Sea Change, Fawlty Towers , Pie in the Sky, Red Dwarf
Four Places You've Been on Vacation:
Africa ( a large part of the continent- Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Zaire now Congo again, Central African Republic where the border police officer had the biggest gold bracelets , Cameroun, Nigeria, Niger, Algeria, Morocco,
Chateau de Chassy, Chateau-Chinon,France
Venice , Italy,
Turtle Beach Qld, Australia
Four Websites You Visit Every Day:
I visit blogs ( I am still on dialup so many websites take too long to load)- Omega, Lisa Call, Claire Bryan, Annabel Rainbow ( see links in my links column) as they manage to post most days- and lots of others every other day or so
Four Of Your Favorite Foods:
Fresh tomatoes sunripened on the vine on wholemeal toast with a dribble of extra virgin olive oil and some crushed black pepper corns
Parmesan cheese
Aubergine or green beans – can’t decide between these two
Four Places You'd Rather Be:
Languedoc France,
Cadaques, Spain
Paris, France
And then in the end I do like where I live so Gellibrand River!.
Four Albums You Can't Live Without
Anything by Youssou N’Dour
John Williams the Seville Concert
Les Choristes
Njava Vetse
And too many others to mention.