On another note , the blog is 472 visits away from the 75,000th visit! It is phenomenal to me that so many people have visited since I started, the camaraderie that has grown, which is different to the dynamics of a yahoogroup. I visit others blogs daily, don't always leave comments but I enjoy getting to know people and seeing how their creativity is spurred and getting a sense of who the people are, the shape of their lives.People's blogs have spurred me to buy books which I might have overlooked, sent me to websites I would not have found and generally added to my daily life. I tried Ilva's recipe from Luculian Delights for Rosti with Sun-dried Tomatoes yesterday , except I didn't have tomatoes so I did it with marinated roasted capsicums instead and made a green mayonanise to dip them in - and they were delicious. Yesterday I found an incredible resource for the latest writing on art and related philosophies- a 138 page pdf download listing all recent writing- the tomey stuff but still some that looked very interesting.So thank you one and all, and I am trying to think of a present for the 75,000th visitor!
I have set up two tables in the shed studio- hopefully we will pour the slab in the not too distant future- having the money and time at the same moment in time is the problem. Meanwhile I have set up some tables in there to work and I am slowly moving out of my old workroom which I shared with my eldest daughter ( most of my things have been packed away- and it is amazing what an art resource my room was for everyone- the number of times I have been asked do you have this or that? And I do, but it has been packed away) This table is set up for drawing and other things- the other table is for sewing- some people like neat clean spaces in which to work but looking at the photo I seem to make shrines of materials and leave myself little space in which to actually work.I tend to need all these things around me to help clear my mind and focus.
I too read blogs regularly and have found it stimulating knowing how others think, plan and work. I am mobility challenged and live a long way from the largest town and have found blogs a great source of contact in quilting and related fields.
Also surprising to find someone who work like I do, need everything to hand or I lose my thought process, now all I need is the shed and I can remove from living area.
It is wonderful how blogging & the internet has made our world so much smaller.
How big will your new space be? I have a room 4 times the size of my old space, & I still wish I could double or triple it.
I hope your troubles will be smotthed out soon. Best wishes to you.
So pleased to hear there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Yes, blogging is an amazing experience, I wonder what we did before?! I think it's especially great for artists who need to spend long hours alone and quite often are not given to being in groups.
Great photo, I love seeing people's workspaces (and good that you can at least use your shed!) I'm at the tidy end of the spectrum, can't work till everything's cleared away, which is annoying because I waste good time tidying up! Your space looks beautiful, so colourful.
wasn't able to leave a comment on the post below but I hope that you have all the energy you need to go through your life changes with out it battering you too much. biggest hugs and warmest wishes for a positive resolve.
also 145 to go !!!! love and hugs !! Mary
Good to hear a resolution is in progress. Long journey it may be, but long journeys can go to stimulating places on the way to a perhaps surprising end.
I'm definitely on the messy end of the spectrum, worspace wise. I love having a nice clear work area, it's just that I create it by piling up the mess on whatever flattish surface is available otherwise. That has distinct disadvantages. Last month I lost half a quilt...
I have been reading your blog for a while now and it has inspired me to start one!!! I have a room dedicated to textile art but for the last few months I have been suffering from artists block. The room is a mess, so I keep everyone out, unless they want something specific for a piece of artwork - then I can find just what is needed straight away. I love working in a mess but occasionally when I can't get in for the mess I do have an occasional sort out. thanks for your blog. Anna Nowicki www.pumpkin1.fsnet.co.uk
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