I was intending to sew all weekend but for one reason or another that did not happen- and I can't really put my mind to it. So I sat and drew these little chaps in my journal. My daughter thinks they are really cool and I should make them into a screen print and make bags with them. Maybe I will- I can make screens on my Print Gocco machine.I think i will need to redraw them and clean up the art work a bit.
Looks like the beginning of a fabric line to me....
lovely faces wil be great bags
I'm sure they would be popular postacards too, made in your special style.
hehe they're great... pomegranet people :))
Nice work, Dijanne. I wonder what you'll produce when you *are* trying????
dijanne! these are BRILLIANT!!!! they would indeed be wonderful as postcards or fabric or orororor plates or just anything! i love them!!!
Sassenach has said it: seriously, this would be a fabulous line of fabrics. Whimsy wins!
I love the grownup gum nut chidren. robin
how fun and whimsical..you can do so many things with these!
love them.
hope all is well. sending my hugs.
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