Magnolias in my garden
These lovely magnolias are flowering in my garden at the moment. I don't often get to enjoy seeing them flower because the satin bower birds eat the buds just as they are about to burst open- they are such greedy creatures and so destructive.
There will be limited postings after this evening as tomorrow very early ( 4 am) I head to Mittagong and Quilt Indulgence , drive back late Sunday night (it's about a 9 hour drive) come home, pack for Europe and fly out on Tuesday. So busy times, and I still have to sew a couple of sleeves on quilts and lino-cut print fabric to cut into small panels to sell. And the lace scarves- I have one ready pinned to go but in all reality I think I need to get a reality check!
Linda- it's got me puzzled- the number I mentioned doesn't visit every day ( though as you noted the numbers float). The quilt is too big for Katrina in any case- I think Laura only wants ATC or A4 size- so that she can give them standard prices.

Hi Dijanne
The thing is each time you log on to your computer and dial up or connect to your isp it issues you a new IP each time unless you keep your computer on or log in from work that will show the ip of the server that you have at work. So its all a bit complicated .. they will not be able to check their IP as it changes. SO I think its me LOL that won!! :)
And I'm not fighting - I loved the co-incidence anyway :-)
That photo is sooo awesome! did yo alter it in photoshop at all?
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