I have been in avoidance mode in doing my bookwork for the accountant - I am behind and it has finally gotten to the point where I can't avoid it any longer- or can i??? I needed to create some space to sort accounts, and found this smallish quilt I had made for Caravanserai which I don't think I have put on my blog before as I finished it at the eleventh hour before AQC. The image was transferred to fabric using a product called Inkaid which I bought at Zijdelings in the Netherlands. I have not seen this product in Australia- but I have also not been looking that hard. It creates a much nicer image on fabric than bubble jetset- though it does change the hand of the fabric. And as you can see you need to be careful in applying even coating on the fabric as uneveness does show up - in the black bit.
And I made good progress on sorting the accounts ( which I had stuffed into a box- every year I resolve that I am going to be better at this and do the bookwork at the end of each month- but it never seems to happen - how do others cope with this?) and should be able to get things to the accountant by the end of the week- once I start I fi9nd it is not as hard as I thought it would be- just requires a bit of organisation!
Oh and I gave myself a bonus for also sorting this years accounts whilst i was at it ( I may even end up ahead of the game) I ordered some more rayon "cheeses" in a range of colours from the Handweavers Studio in London. It is the thread I used for the cross stitches in the Palmyra piece and also the thread I have used for the travellers blanket- and you can just never have enough thread! They have over 300 shades of yarn.
I have enjoyed reading your blog for some time. Thank you!
I bought Inkaid from Dale Rolleson from the Thread Studio in Perth. Cant remember the cost, but it certainly works well.
Wonderful piece! I had my photo transfer done in a studio for enough Euros (about 20$) and had similar stains on the pictures on my "witch gown" (not finished). Well, I guess I have to live with that. It made stitching harder, indeed, and like in your quilt, I just stitched the edges.
Just to let you know I found out yesterday that the Handweavers Studio is moving soon,(changing hands0 I am not sure when.
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